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Sikagard®-703 W can be applied on mortar, masonry, brick, stone, asbestos cement. CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES. Strong water repellent capability. ▫. Allows.Sikagard-703 W, a rain and water repellent, is the perfect solution for brick walls that are constantly wet and saturated.Sikagard®-703 W is an emulsion, ready for use, silane / siloxane combination based, water repellent impreg- nation. USES. For making facades water repellent and.Sikagard®-703 W · Strong water repellent capability. · Allows the substrate to breathe (vapour permeable). · Treatment is usually invisible not changing the.Materials to avoid. : No special restrictions on storage with other products. Page 3. SAFETY DATA SHEET. Sikagard 703 W. Version 1.0.Sikagard®-703 WSikagard®-703 W - Sika AustraliaSikagard®-703 W - Protective Coatings - Sika Hong Kong
Sikagard®-703 W is an emulsion, ready for use, silane / siloxane combination based, water repellent impregnation.PRODUCT DATA SHEET. Sikagard®-703 W. WATER REPELLENT IMPREGNATION FOR BUILDING FACADES. DESCRIPTION. Sikagard®-703 W is an emulsion, ready for use, silane /.Product in aqueous phase with strong water repellent capability · Penetrate deeply into tiles joints / building surface to provide water.Ready to use, SikaGard-703W is a liquid, silane/siloxane base impregnation used for waterproofing of building materials against surface waters.Sikagard®-703 W · Starke wasserabweisende Eigenschaften · Reduziert die Verschmutzung der Oberfläche · Reduktion von Moos- und Flechtenbildung · Keine.Sikagard -703 W - Sika LebanonSikagard®-703 GroutSeal - WaterproofingProtected by SikaGard-703W - HOME DZINE Home DIY. juhD453gf
OMSCHRIJVINGSikagard 703 W is watergedragen en milieuvriendelijk impregneermiddel op basis van silaan en siloxaancombinaties. Na droging ontwikkeld het zich.Sikagard®-703 W · Disminuye la posibilidad de formación de eflorescencias, musgo, líquenes, etc. · Se puede cubrir con diferentes tipos de pinturas y.Sikagard®-703 W is a ready-to-use emulsion based on silanes and siloxanes, which acts as a water repellent to waterproof facades and protect buildings.Edition 21/02/2012. Identification no: 02 03 03 01 002 0 000010. Sikagard®-703 W. Sikagard®-703 W Water repellent impregnation for building facades.Το Sikagard®-703 W είναι ένα έτοιμο προς χρήση γαλάκτωμα εμποτισμού σιλανικής / σιλοξανικής βάσης με υδατοαπωθητικές ιδιότητες.Sika Sikagard-703 W 5 L v 8 obchodech na Zboží.cz. Srovnejte ceny, přečtěte si recenze, najděte podobné produkty a příslušenství.Material de impregnare hidrofobizant, Sika Sikagard 703 W, interior / exterior, 5 L la Aflati informatii despre pret si disponibilitate pentru.Description; Application Area; Features; Dosage; Inquiry form. Sikagard 703 W 2C is a Silane-Siloxane based water repellent coating.SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006. Sikagard®-703 W. Revision Date 29.04.2016. Version 2.0. Print Date 01.09.2016.Impregnator for facades Sikagard®-703 W. All Packages and prices. Manufacturer /Importer/:. Sika Bulgaria EOOD logo Sika Bulgaria.Sikagard®-703 W wordt gebruikt voor het (regen) water- en vuilafstotend maken van gevels en hellende daken. Het wordt aangebracht op poreuze,.sikaguard 703 W carafe (5 litres) sikaguard -703 W is an emulsion, ready to use, based on silanos and siloxanos, which acts as hidrofugante use: used as.Sikagard 703 W 2C is a Silane-Siloxane based water repellent coating. Imparts water repellency cementitious and stone cladded substrates.Sikaguard 703 W es una emulsión, lista para su uso, a base de silanos y siloxanos, que actúa como hidrofugante. Usos Se utiliza como impregnación para.Sikagard 703W, Impregnación repelente al agua transparente, lista para su uso, para proteger las fachadas frente a la penetración del agua, 5L :®-703 W · Сильная защита от воды. · Сохраняет паропроницаемость поверхности. · Не изменяет вида пропитываемых материалов. · Повышает устойчивость к грязи и.Making the facades water-repellent · Protection of the building materials against surface waters. Sikagard-703W is applied on substrates made of concrete, mortar.Sikagard 703 W is used to create a water repellent protective impregnation on substrates made of concrete, mortar, masonry, brick, stone, and asbestos-cement.183308. SikaGard-703W is a liquid, ready to use, silane/siloxane base impregnation for the waterproofing of building materials against surface waters.Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt. FELHASZNÁLÁSI TERÜLET. Hidrofóbizálja, impregnálja a homlokzati felületeket; A Sikagard-703 W felhordható beton, vakolat,.Sikagard®-703 W · Protezione che non modifica laspetto della superficie · Riduce la tendenza allimbrattamento e impedisce la formazione di funghi, alghe e.Sikagard®-703 W Water repellent impregnation for building facades · Sikagard®-703 W is an emulsion, ready for use, silane / siloxane combination based, water.Sikagard®-703 W on emulsiomainen, käyttövalmis silaani/siloksaani-pohjainen impregnointiaine.Sikagard®-703 W je tekoče emulzijsko impregnirno sredstvo, brez topil, že pripravljen za uporabo, za vodoodbojno impregnacijo mineralnih površin.Sikagard 703 W 2C is a Silane-Siloxane based water repellent coating. 2) Application Area. Imparts water repellency cementitious.Sikagard®-703 W · Snižuje nasákavost povrchu, odpuzuje vodu a tím snižuje znečištění povrchu a zlepšuje odolnost proti špinění, tvorbě řas, mechů. · Přetíratelný.Making facades water-repellent. • Protection of building materials against surface waters. SIKAGARD 703 W is applied on rough substrates: concrete, mortar,.Impregnace Sika Sikagard-703 W 2 l · vodoodpudivá, paropropustná impregnace, na vodní bázi, na fasády, kombinace silanu a siloxanu, nemění vzhled povrchu, bělavá.mar2022 • Sika • Sikagard 703 W Tečni, emulzioni premaz na kombinovanoj bazi silana i siloksana koji se koristi za vodotporne impregnacije fasada.Paropropusni vodoodbojni premaz za fasade na bazi silan / siloksana. Sikagard®-703 W je vodoodbojna impregnacija u obliku emulzije, spremna za korištenje, na.Sikagard®-703 W. September 2020, Version 01.02. 021890100000000039. PRODUKTDATENBLATT. Sikagard®-703 W. WASSERABWEISENDE IMPRÄGNIERUNG AUF SILAN-/.